Trouble-shoot Your Own Furnace

You may think that large electrical box with lots of pipes and wires seems amazingly complicated without a degree or professional skill to operate it. But, believe it or not, some of the most common furnace issues can be resolved by the homeowner without a service call to the HVAC company. Here are a few of the most common furnace issues and how you can attempt to resolve them on your own. What if I [...]

2019-07-19T22:20:09-04:00April 3rd, 2017|HVAC|

How to Choose a Furnace that Best Suits Your Needs

You may be looking to replace a sluggish furnace in your existing home or you may be ready to install one in a new home for the first time. Either way, there are some important facts that can help you decide which furnace may be the best fit for your home. Let's start by examining the two major types of furnaces. The Two-Stage Furnace Based on its name, the two-stage furnace is geared to operate [...]

2019-09-27T16:14:18-04:00April 3rd, 2017|HVAC|

Ways to Save Money on your Heating Costs

It's in there. You can see it. It's glaring through the stack of mail inside the mailbox; the utility bill. You pull off a corner, take a deep breath, try again and suddenly rip it open like a stuck bandaid. Your blood pressure soars. The heat has only been on for a month, but your heating bill looks like a small house payment. Help restore your blood pressure to normal and conserve energy this winter [...]

2019-07-24T00:12:18-04:00April 3rd, 2017|HVAC|

What You and Your Technician Should be Doing to Keep Your Furnace in Check

Think of it like a relay. One runner hands the baton off to the other and together they finish the race. Although there are huge expectations of the first runner to come out of the gate on fire, all the runners are important. That's basically the role you play with your heating and cooling professionals. When you hire a professional to service your heating and cooling system, safety is the most important benefit you receive [...]

2019-07-19T22:20:10-04:00April 3rd, 2017|HVAC|

Electrical Mistakes That Cost You Money

It's wintertime in Kentuckiana and that means higher heating bills for most of us. Our HVAC units are working overtime and it might feel like you're just throwing money out the window when the utility bill arrives each month. We can all stand to save a little money here and there, and that may be possible by making a few simple changes. There are many things we can do inside the house to save money on [...]

2019-07-19T22:20:10-04:00April 3rd, 2017|HVAC|