Heating and Cooling Tips: Ways to Reduce Static Electricity

As colder weather rolls around, the dryness in the air increases our possibility for that predictable little shock we get as we exit the car, walk across the carpet, or change clothes. A shock from static electricity is not a true electric shock, but a pain of hot sparks jumping to or from our fingers to our other body parts.There are several ways to reduce or eliminate the risk of static electricity this season, some [...]

2019-07-19T22:20:09-05:00September 15th, 2017|HVAC|

Furnace Setback Temperatures

We are often asked about how low to set the thermostat to save money on your heating bills. Obviously, you save more money the less your equipment operates. So, how cold can you stand it in your Southern Indiana/Louisville home? Are you a Scrooge and want to keep it 40°F in the house? Well, there is a limit. When a furnace is operating, all of the combustion gases are just that - gases. We don't [...]

2019-07-19T22:20:09-05:00April 4th, 2017|HVAC|

What’s inside your furnace?

So that's what is inside your furnace... It's most likely a clam shell heat exchanger. This one happens to be cracked. The top center eyelet of each heat exchanger has a crack of above and below it. The others are nearing failure. However, one crack is all it takes to condemn. What's wrong with a crack? In the modern furnace, the primary risks is a fire. Over time the crack will open and allow flames [...]

2019-07-24T00:10:41-05:00April 4th, 2017|HVAC|

Fixing your Furnace to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Do you find yourself this time of year itching your eyes, feeling stuffy inside ,or sneezing each time your walk outside? In the Louisville area, this is a particularly difficult season for allergies including dust, pollen and mold. But did you realize that these particular allergens can also be a prominent problem inside your home? If you find yourself more tired, itchy, and irritated, you can help to improve your overall allergy symptoms and your [...]

2019-07-19T22:20:09-05:00April 3rd, 2017|HVAC|

Heating Tips: Make Sure your Carbon Monoxide Detector is in Place

As colder weather begins to roll around, many preventative measures in our homes are important to protect us from the elements and common indoor hazards. One hazard that is more prevalent in the winter season is gas leaks. These leaks can come from a furnace or water heater and may produce carbon monoxide (CO) fumes that can be deadly. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced by incomplete burning of fuels like [...]

2019-07-19T22:20:09-05:00April 3rd, 2017|HVAC|